JUDICIARY Latest Features

Judiciary, Ministry of Lands deliberate on Access to Land Justice

Across-section of judicial officers has taken part in a workshop addressing access to land justice.

The guest of honor, Hon. Betty Amongi, the Minister of Land, Housing and Urban Development, said court systems had contributed to the delay in acquisition of land and solving land disputes.

She said the meeting was timely as the Ministry and Judiciary deliberate on efforts to deliver Land Justice. Her speech reiterated opinions expressed by previous speakers.

Mr.Robert Opio, the Commissioner Land Registration in the Ministry of Land,Housing and Urban Development said the interaction was the first of its kind.

"This workshop is intended to highlight the issues affecting the ministry of Land and the Judiciary and also to harmonize relationships between the two institutions," he said.

Mrs.Dorcas Okalany, the Permanent Secretary at Ministry of Lands said there is need to sensitize the public about land matters.

Shecalled for cooperation between the two institutions especially duringadjudication of land disputes.

Hon.Justice Musene Masalu called for the decentralization of land justice by introducing Land registries in the countryside.

"There is need for the Ministry of Lands to sensitize the public about their rights concerning land matters in order to reduce on the land disputes," he said.

Posted 9th, October 2017
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